How to Do Yoga with Your Dog

Doing yoga with your dog can be a wonderful bonding experience. Yoga with your dog, also called doga, helps form a connection between you and your pet while you stretch and relax together. If you are interested in doing yoga with your dog, you can find a doga studio in your area or perform poses at home.

Performing Yoga Poses With Your Dog

Start with relaxed breathing. To relax yourself and your dog, start by sitting down with your legs crossed. Your dog should be sitting near or on you. Start to breathe, focusing on each inhale and exhale. Start thinking about your dog and becoming in sync with him. Focus on his breathing and how much you love your dog.[1]

  • Rest your hands on your dog. You can start gently massage him if you need to help him relax.[2] Remain sitting up straight.
  • Sit still for two minutes.
Try Chaturanga. Another good pose to start with is Chaturanga. Get your dog to lay on his stomach. Stroke and massage his back lightly.[3]
Perform the Heart-to-Hound Mundra. This pose is good for connecting with your dog. Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, your dog in front of you facing forward. Place a hand over your heart, and place the other over your dog’s heart. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.[4]

Perform the Chair. A simple, good yoga pose for dogs is the Chair pose. Get the dog to sit back on his hind legs. Hold the dog around the middle of his back. Then, help raise the dog’s front paws.[5]

  • Gently massage your dog’s shoulders as you lift the legs to give him a good stretch through his back.[6]
  • This pose stretches your dog’s ab muscles and front legs. It also helps strengthen the joints in the back legs.[7

Do a sun salute. Sun salutations help stretch your dog’s muscles and get his body moving. You start in a seated position. Carefully lift your dog’s hind legs towards the ceiling. While you hold his thighs, start massaging the upper thighs with your hands.[8]

  • While in this position, try to get your dog to stretch his torso. This pose can help stretch the abs and the hips while strengthening the joints of the front legs.[9]
Bend forward. Bend from the waist until you are folded in half, your hands and head low. Pick up your dog carefully. The weight will help increase your stretch, and as you hold him, your dog gets a stretch in his limbs.[10]
Do a Puppy Paw Mudra. Get your dog to lie down with the front legs extended. Kneel behind your dog and bend down to place your head on his back. Place your hands over your dog’s front paws, both of your arms extended outwards. Turn your head to one side and breath.[11]

End with a Savasana. Lie onto your back with your dog on your chest. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Pet or massage your dog as you relax into the pose.[12]

  • The goal of this pose is to have your dog eventually snuggle against your as he settles down.

Choosing To Do Doga

Reduce your dog’s stress level. Dog’s respond to your energy. If you are feeling stress, then your dog feels stress. Since yoga helps relax your mind and body, bringing your dog along with all help relax your dog.[13]

  • Some believe that doing yoga can help calm hyperactive dogs.[14]

 Strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Because you are sharing this time with your dog, you strengthen the connection you share. Not only are you touching, petting, massaging, and including your dog in yoga, but you are both sharing a calming, relaxing activity. Additionally, you are not distracted during this time like you might be while you walk your dog. Doing yoga with your dog can help the two of your become closer.[15]

  • Because you are touching your dog and spending time with him, doing yoga can help build trust between you and your dog.[16]
  • Some people believe that doing yoga with your dog can help get them used to being touched, which can help with things like nail clipping and other grooming tasks.
  • Since you are touching your dog’s body during yoga, you can also use the time to do a surface health check up.

 Decide if your dog is ready for doga. Before you take your dog to a doga class, decide if he is ready for this step. If your dog is social and relatively well-behaved, you can probably take him to doga. You can use treats to help keep him focused during the doga session.[17]

  • If your dog is not well socialized or not as well-behaved, start by doing doga at home. This might be a way for you to help him calm and become better behaved.
  • When you do doga with your dog, decide if he enjoys it. If he seems restless, resistant, or acts negatively, doga may not be for you and your dog.

Understand your dog’s limits. Doing yoga with your dog won’t be the same as doing yoga with your friend. Your dog can’t do complicated poses. While there are many yoga poses you can do with your dog, they are geared specifically for dogs.[18]

  • Don’t make your dog do normal yoga poses. Make sure to only go through yoga poses that are designed for dogs.

Finding Doga Resources

 Choose a place to do yoga. Some major cities have yoga studios, usually referred to as doga studios. These might be through yoga studios, speciality doga studios, or the Human Society.[19]

  • If you can’t find anywhere to do doga with your dog, then you can do it in your home. Many moves are easy enough for you and your dog to get maximum benefits.
  • Ask yoga instructors if they would be willing to start a doga class. Or ask if they would let you bring your dog to a traditional yoga class.

Know that doga classes may vary. Some yoga studios will offer classes that are for both the human and dog. In these classes, the human holds the dog and help him perform the pose. These classes offer modifications for larger or smaller dogs.[20]

  • Other classes may be a traditional yoga class where dogs just walk around while the humans do yoga.

 Consult doga resources. Since doga has become a widespread phenomenon, there are many resources available. These resources are especially helpful if you are doing doga at home. Check libraries and bookstores for books on doga and doga poses.

  • You can also purchase doga videos to help with home instruction. You can also find clips and videos on YouTube.

